I don't know if I'll have to say everything again
Vitória Fallavena
Thassilo Weber
Brazil, 2024, 14 min.
In Portuguese with English subtitles.
This film is family friendly.
Fernando meets his mother weekly at a café. During their encounters, he always tells her that he is gay. Ana, who has Alzheimer's, has difficulties in remembering her son's sexuality; what we are left to question is whether she truly forgets or if she chooses not to remember.
Director's Statement
I DON'T KNOW IF I'LL HAVE TO SAY EVERYTHING AGAIN is about communication and human relationships, especially with people we care about. It's about everything within - and between - relationships, fears, generational and cultural barriers, expectations, and family understanding. It talks about acceptance, care, love and also self-love. The idea is to show the importance of being our authentic selves while keeping in mind the value of an affectionate communication. We believe in the power of using a caring dialogue as a way of building relationships with more listening and understanding, without denying our existence.
Category: Drama, Short.
Themes: Family, LGBTQIA, Relationships, World Cinema.
Thursday, April 10
The Screening Room

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