The Light of Truth: Richard Hunt's Monument to Ida B. Wells
Rana Segal
Laurie Little
United States, 2024, 66 min.
In English.
This film is family friendly.
This feature documentary weaves together sculptor Richard Hunt’s process and life story, with that of civil rights crusader, suffragist and anti-lynching activist, Ida B. Wells. Hunt creates the Light of Truth monument for the Bronzeville community at the former site of the Ida B. Wells Homes in Chicago. Wells’ history and the sculptor’s history intersect in their mutual reaction and actions as they confront the injustices of racism through their work. The late Richard Hunt has been a major figure in American art for over 40 years.
Director's Statement
I was inspired by the beautiful work of Richard Hunt, the rich history of Ida B. Wells and the community that worked so hard to get the funds for the creation of a monument to honor their hero. Producer Laurie Little and I were compelled to create The Light of Truth: Richard Hunt’s Monument to Ida B. Wells as collaborators. We knew we had to make this documentary about these two important Chicago icons and change makers. The fact that so few people know their names compels us to lift up their stories and their legacies through
Category: Documentary, Festival Alum.
Friday, April 4
The Screening Room
Filmmaker in Attendance

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