Browse films

Ghost Forest

Arthur Egeli
United States, 2014, 85 min.

In English.
This film is family friendly.

Explorer, Bryce Wilder (James Hyde), and his photographer, Chad Johnson (Christopher Warren), journey into the forbidden Ghost Forest, a sacred area created by the Orphan Tsunami of 1700 that had devasted the Pacific Northwest coast. Secretly, they are seeking proof that the legendary sky burials exist whose legends are recounted in the local native oral histories of the region. When they find a beautiful native girl and her wrecked canoe, Bryce realizes she is their ticket to their destination, though she too is someone tied to these legends. When they finally discover the ceremonial crypt, Chad accidental dislodges of one of the ancient platforms, unleashing the spirits of the Ghost Forest.

Category: Mystery.
Themes: Environment, Native American, Relationships.

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