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Sultan Of The Sea

Nickolas Duarte
United States, 2015, 6 min.

In English.
This film is family friendly.

When Leah's mentally ill brother goes missing in an abandoned Sea Side Resort she is forced to search through rotting homes and forgotten memories. Every door she opens, pulls her deeper into Aden's fantasy. When she finds Aden hiding in old restaurant, he confronts her about the men chasing him and the bomb he has rigged to go off at any moment.

Director's Statement

This film was made with an overwhelming sense of freedom. While on a road trip to LA for a conference, my team and I visited the abandoned city and we knew immediately we had to make a film at the Salton Sea. We called upon one of our favorite actors and invited her to be a part of the film. She loved the prospect of shooting in such a unique locale and offered up some interesting story ideas as well. The overall experience was comparable to a 48 hour film challenge with five friends. It was an experience I will cherish forever.

Category: Experimental.
Themes: Family.

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